pic of a very sad seahawk

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andy01842 andy01842
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pic of a very sad seahawk

The first time I saw my SeaHawk

That took a lot of elbow grease
"there are good ships and wood ships, and ships that sail the sea. But the best ships are friendships, and may they always be."
GregSeaHawk GregSeaHawk
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Re: pic of a very sad seahawk

Looks like there was a good looking Moore's boat under the grime.

I see you've managed to add an extra picture to the post.

Did you know that when editing you could have centred the original image.

Within the <img... /> tag that adds the photograph to your post add [class="center"]  (without the brackets) just before the [/>].
Greg Chapman
GregAfloat - My Boating Biography
Robin Boyes Robin Boyes
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Re: pic of a very sad seahawk

In reply to this post by andy01842
My Seahawk that I have just got is ten times dirtier,with trees in the cockpit.The mast that I have with mine is a SIL !!! or so it says.Much elbow grease for me too!
Robin,SeahawkUnknwn no.